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May 1, 20172 min read
Got Videowall? Now, May be the Time!
Do you recall the first videowalls? Well, they weren’t really video. And the wall? Not so much. They were large screens with banks of...

Apr 4, 20172 min read
Your Conference Room is Like an Aircraft. What else?
When you take a look at your conference room, I’ll bet you’re looking at it in the same frame of mind as you would if you were looking at...

Feb 27, 20172 min read
Rocking Your AV Like It’s 1999
If you have ever gone out looking at homes and stopped by an open house, maybe you can relate. You go through the front door and find...

Jan 27, 20172 min read
Going Beyond Digital Assistants to Get Work Done
Amazon’s Echo and Echo Dot and their voice alter-ego, Alexa, pretty much reached star status over the holidays. The voice-activated...

Jan 5, 20172 min read
Mixing and Matching Your Way to a Fully Digital Courtroom
In early January, tech geeks and gurus headed to Las Vegas for the Consumer Electronics Show (CES). Pretty much the epicenter of what’s...

Dec 1, 20163 min read
Digital Recording
As ubiquitous to the courtroom as judges and their gavels, the court reporters and their steno machines busily recording every word...

Nov 7, 20162 min read
Not All Sounds Are Created Equal
Think of it as PhotoShop® for sound. Sound equalization is a process used to strengthen or weaken the energy of audio frequencies,...

Sep 27, 20162 min read
Why the Temperature of Light is a Big Deal
You liked the paint color in the store. Got it home. Not so great. Seems like the same thing happens when it comes to rugs, furniture and...

Sep 9, 20162 min read
Managing Projector Image Distortion
Take a look at the image above. Do you see the stone at the center of the arch? You know, the one with the arrow pointing right at it?...
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